Are you brushing long enough?

New Albany Smiles2020-02-18T20:46:21+00:00

Are you brushing long enough? Commit to brushing your teeth for two full minutes, twice a day. Sounds easy, right? But most adults don't come close to brushing for the full 120 seconds that dentists recommend. Try timing yourself tonight and see how two minutes stacks up to your regular brushing routine. [...]

Are you brushing long enough?New Albany Smiles2020-02-18T20:46:21+00:00

Fluoride Varnish

New Albany Smiles2021-09-21T15:22:48+00:00

Fluoride Varnish It’s painful to drink a cold beverage or eat your favorite ice cream. You even struggle with the simple act of brushing your  teeth with cold water. Every dentist and dental hygienist across the nation knows the answer: Fluoride. When it comes to research, the evidence is showing time [...]

Fluoride VarnishNew Albany Smiles2021-09-21T15:22:48+00:00

Teething Children

New Albany Smiles2020-02-18T20:54:12+00:00

Teething Children Teething Children : Finding Relief   The Process Well before most babies cut their first tooth, a marked increase in drooling and putting things in their mouth usually occurs around the second month.  This extra saliva generally signals that your child's salivary glands are preparing for an [...]

Teething ChildrenNew Albany Smiles2020-02-18T20:54:12+00:00

Everyone focuses on your heart health. THIS will help!

New Albany Smiles2021-10-22T18:51:11+00:00

Everyone focuses on your heart health. THIS will help! Linking your Dental Health to your Heart Health Do healthy gums mean a healthy heart? There’s no question that regular brushing, flossing and dental checkups can keep your mouth healthy.  If you have bleeding gums, research proves that your heart [...]

Everyone focuses on your heart health. THIS will help!New Albany Smiles2021-10-22T18:51:11+00:00

Teenager Tips

New Albany Smiles2021-09-21T15:25:44+00:00

Teenager Tips Dental Tips for Teens You hope they are brushing.  And cross your fingers when you take them to the dentist. You can't check them before bed.  But you might sneak it to watch them sleep. You're not sure what they are eating.  But they eat ALOT! Here [...]

Teenager TipsNew Albany Smiles2021-09-21T15:25:44+00:00

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