11 Mistakes You Make Brushing Your Teeth

Tips on handling a dental emergency

It never fails – the unexpected happens during the worst case scenario.  A toothache, broken tooth, knocked -out tooth, lost filling or crown and abcess are all dental emergencies.  A Sunday evening toothache, a knocked- out tooth during the Championship baseball game or a dental crown that comes off during your flight to Aruba.  We are here for you – but so is this blog.

So tuck this in your back pocket – and know that we are here to help!

looking in the mirror


  • Rinse your mouth with warm salt water and remove any food that has gotten lodged between the teeth with floss.
  • Use a cold compress on the outside of your mouth, especially if there’s swelling.
  • DO NOT apply aspirin or pain killers directly to the painful area.
  • Call us 614-775-0840 if pain persists.


  • Rinse your mouth out, taking care to save any pieces of broken tooth.
  • Use gauze for about 10 minutes to stop any bleeding.
  • Apply cold compress around the affected area to minimize any pain or swelling.
  • SEE US IMMEDIATELY 614-775-0840 (Dr. Angart is available to weekends for current patients)

tooth pain


  • Hold the tooth by the crown and rinse with water to remove any dirt.
  • Take care not to remove any tissue attached to the tooth.
  • Submerge tooth in a cup with your saliva or milk.
  • Reinsert the tooth in its socket if you can, but don’t force it.
  • Chances of saving the tooth are highest if you see Dr. Angart within ONE HOUR of the accident

bubble gum



  • Use sugarless gum or dental cement as a temporary fix and CALL us with in 24 hours.
  • See us as soon as possible.


  • Save the crown and bring it with you to our office.
  • Try to put the crown back in place by using toothpaste or dental cement to hold it here.


  • If you notice a small, painful, pimple-like bump on your gums, it could be an abcess.
  • Can be a sign of an infection if left untreated.
  • Rinse with warm salt water to help reduce pain.
  • Alert us immediatly if you notice one of these bumps.


Monday 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Tuesday 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Wednesday 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Thursday 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed