Are you brushing long enough?

New Albany Smiles2020-02-18T20:46:21+00:00

Are you brushing long enough? Commit to brushing your teeth for two full minutes, twice a day. Sounds easy, right? But most adults don't come close to brushing for the full 120 seconds that dentists recommend. Try timing yourself tonight and see how two minutes stacks up to your regular brushing routine. [...]

Are you brushing long enough?New Albany Smiles2020-02-18T20:46:21+00:00

Fluoride Varnish

New Albany Smiles2021-09-21T15:22:48+00:00

Fluoride Varnish It’s painful to drink a cold beverage or eat your favorite ice cream. You even struggle with the simple act of brushing your  teeth with cold water. Every dentist and dental hygienist across the nation knows the answer: Fluoride. When it comes to research, the evidence is showing time [...]

Fluoride VarnishNew Albany Smiles2021-09-21T15:22:48+00:00

Dental implants owe success to advances in technology, materials

New Albany Smiles2021-07-12T15:08:11+00:00

Dental implants owe success to advances in technology, materials Dental Implants Thanks to advancements in technology, there are permanent solutions to tooth loss that cold make you forget somethings gone missing. Materials Made of biologically compatible titanium, dental implants are artificial roots that take the shape of a rounded [...]

Dental implants owe success to advances in technology, materialsNew Albany Smiles2021-07-12T15:08:11+00:00

Protect your enamel

New Albany Smiles2020-06-30T13:31:43+00:00

Protect your enamel How can you protect your tooth enamel? There are several simple steps you can take to protect your precious enamel from further wear, starting right now: Reduce how much acid your teeth are exposed to: Try to limit the number of times  you consume acidic food and [...]

Protect your enamelNew Albany Smiles2020-06-30T13:31:43+00:00

Periodontal disease and Americans

New Albany Smiles2021-11-09T20:12:27+00:00

Periodontal disease and Americans Research shows some alarming statistics concerning periodontal disease. According to the World Health Organization, approximately 50 to 90% of adults worldwide have gingivitis. Half of Americans aged 30 or older have periodontitis, the more advanced form of periodontal disease. THE CAUSES & SYMPTOMS Periodontal disease is [...]

Periodontal disease and AmericansNew Albany Smiles2021-11-09T20:12:27+00:00

The Power of Fluoride

New Albany Smiles2021-09-21T15:20:54+00:00

The Power of Fluoride The Power of Fluoride for your Teeth The best way to protect your teeth from the dangers of decay is to take steps to prevent decay from ever taking place. Preventive care is a very important component of oral health care. Of course, the most [...]

The Power of FluorideNew Albany Smiles2021-09-21T15:20:54+00:00

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