A game changer

New Albany Smiles2021-10-22T17:00:40+00:00

A game changer "Getting veneers at New Albany Center for Dental Health has had a huge positive impact on my life.  I had gotten used to my worn teeth and was not expecting the difference they would make. The whole process with Dr. Angart and his expert team, from getting [...]

A game changerNew Albany Smiles2021-10-22T17:00:40+00:00

Oral Cancer Awareness

New Albany Smiles2021-10-22T19:29:52+00:00

Oral Cancer Awareness April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month IDENTIFICATION You always hear about breast cancer and cervical cancer, but oral cancer kills and disfigures many more people than either of these. Oral Cancer, which includes the head and neck region, is taking more lives than the cancers we [...]

Oral Cancer AwarenessNew Albany Smiles2021-10-22T19:29:52+00:00

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